USP and CWMP Messages Templates

Despite the definition of message standards and data structures that were created by the Broadband Forum, each equipment manufacturer has, for the most part, a set of exclusive parameters that are used to configure and monitor the device or else implements the USP/CWMP such in a way that does not strictly follow the standard, returning information and performing important actions in ways that are different from those intended.
With this in mind, it becomes a difficult task to map the parameters of each supplier and still maintain the agnosticity of the platform and workflow. Therefore, Oktopus developed a module of reusable templates that allows the definition of messages in a generic way, facilitating the integration of new devices and suppliers.

This feature is available in the Open Source version of Oktopus Controller, confirming our commitment to innovation and enrichment of the ecosystem. So that the community can benefit from cutting-edge technologies accessible to everyone, for use, study and improvements.
Combined with the discovery of automatic parameters of the equipment, it is possible to perform actions remotely, such as firmware updates, network parameter configuration, problem diagnosis, among others.

Using data extracted from the equipment, Oktopus creates customized dashboards, performance reports, event alerts, management screens, among others, available in the Enterprise version, which allow the system operator to have a holistic view of the network and take proactive action. Therefore, reducing the number of technical calls and problem-solving time. Access our Demo to know more.
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The world’s most widely used open-source USP Controller and CWMP Auto Configuration Server, with enterprise-class features, services and premium support.